Center for People and Buildings

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Finnen enthousiast over werk CfPB

12 maart 2009

Finnen enthousiast over werk CfPB

Last tuesday (March 10) a  Finnish delegation visited the CfPB. The members of the delegation participate in the TEKES program Spaces and places. Members have different business or government responsibilities. Mr. Olli Niemi of NCC, one of the leading construction and property development companies in the Nordic region told us afterwards he is quite impressed by the work of our center:

"The visit to Philips Innohub was good, Media park in Hilversum also. But the most interesting part of the visit was your center. I have just decided to work in Tampere university of technology one day in a week and I have thought, what is my future vision. One could be, that we together with Helsinki University could develop a center, which will focus partly in similar matters : people and spaces and places ( real + virtual)."