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EFMC 2010 - The Added Value of FM - Different Research Perspectives

May 2010 | Per Anker Jensen, Theo van der Voordt, Christian Coenen, Daniel von Felten, Anna-Liisa Lindholm, Susanne Balslev Nielsen, Chaiwat Riratanaphong and Mirjam Schmid

Research paper European Facility Management Conference 2010.


This   paper   aims   to   present   and   compare   research   perspectives   and   theoretical   reflections  from  a  variety  of  academic  fields on  the  concept  of  Added  Value  of  Facilities  Management (FM).


The  starting  point  is  the  so-called  FM  Value  Map,  which  was  presented  in  a  paper  by  Jensen (2009) at the research symposium at EFMC 2009 in Amsterdam.


Literature  reviews  of  the  most  influential  journals  within  the  academic  fields  of  FM,  Corporate  Real  Estate  Management  and  Business  to  Business  Marketing;  reflections  on  EFMC-presentations;  discussions  between  participants  of  an  EuroFM  research  collaboration  group working on a further exploration and testing of the FM Value Map.


The research shows a number of different definitions and focus points of Added Value of  FM,  dependent  on  the  academic  field  and  the  area  of  application.  The  different  research  perspectives explored a holistic view on the added value of FM by the integration of an external market based view (with a focus on the aimed output) and the internal resource based view (with a  focus  on  the  input  from  FM  and  RE).  Good  relationship  management  and  building  on  trust  shows  to  be  equally  important  as  delivering  the  agreed  services.  In  order  to  measure  the  multi-dimensional  components  of  adding  value  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  approaches  are  needed.  


Usually  the  concept  of  Added  Value  is  discussed  from  a  mono-disciplinary  point of view. Based on this international collaboration a more complete picture will arise. The different backgrounds of the authors add value to an increased understanding of the added value of FM by comparing and testing different ways of conceptualising this concept. This is of great importance  to  FM-research  and  evidence-based  FM  as  a  sound  basis  for  the  long  term  recognition of FM.  


Facilities  Management;  Corporate  Real  Estate  Management;  Added  Value;  Strategic  Mapping;  
Service Marketing; Relationship Value.