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Added Value of FM - A critical review

June 2015 | Per Anker Jensen, Theo van der Voordt

The purpose of this paper is to provide a state of the art of how the topic “Added value of FM” has been treated recently in research and practice. The paper is based on research papers from EFMC 2013 and 2014. The paper provides an overview and a critical review of this research. A main focus is to examine to which degree there is a cumulative knowledge building in this field.

The paper also summarises findings about value adding management in practice and reflects on implications for research and practice. The critical review shows that some of the papers have a strong foundation in former research on the added value of FM, while many other papers only to a limited degree reflect and build upon
this earlier research. This together with a broad scope of themes means that the cumulative knowledge building is rather weak. Besides, only few of the papers contribute directly to knowledge on value adding management. A study about how practitioners cope with the added value of FM and CREM clearly demonstrates a strong interest in the topic among leading professionals but also a lack of common understanding and practical management tools.