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Text book on accomodation management, second edition

26 june 2017

Text book on accomodation management, second edition

Together with Jan Gerard Hoendervanger and Jaap Wijnja of the Hanze University of Technology, Theo van der Voordt published a new revised edition of the book “Huisvestingsmanagement: Van Strategie tot Exploitatie” (Noordhoff Uitgevers, Groningen;

This book integrates theoretical concepts, models, data and tools about corporate real estate management (CREM) and facilities management (FM). It presents  how organisations can design and implement a corporate real estate strategy that fits with their vision, mission and corporate strategy, and discusses how to assess the demand for corporate real estate, the current supply, and the (mis)match between demand and supply, business cases, which stakeholders are involved and their main interests, the content of a program of requirements and how to get the right input, project management, how to manage buildings-in-use, and how to organise accommodation management.

This second edition includes the latest insights about adding value by corporate real estate and facilities management, adaptive reuse, and the future of accommodating people. The book is being used as a text book by many Universities of Applied Sciences and offers valuable insights to our own BSc and MSc students, in particular to graduation students in Real Estate Management.

The book only is available in Dutch.